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♧ 꽃의 전설/♣ 꽃 이미지

산딸나무 ...

by kimeunjoo 2012. 6. 20.



예수님이 못박힌 십자가가 산딸나무입니다.
영어로는 Dog-wood, 앞부분을 꺼꾸로 읽으면 God-wood가 됩니다.








Via Dolorosa / Sandi Patti 

'Via Dolorosa'는 라틴어로 슬픔의 길, 탄식의 길이란 뜻입니다. 예수님께서 사형선고를 받으시고 십자가를 지고 골고다 언덕까지 오르신 길 이름입니다.
Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street. But the crowd pressed in to see the man condemned to die on Calvary. He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back. And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head And He bore with every step The scorn of those who cried out for His death. Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. But He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary. The blood that would cleanse the souls of all men Made its way through the heart of Jerusalem. Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. But He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.

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